Trapezoidal and L-Shaped Drainage construction (Lusaka)

We are currently working on a major construction project involving the installation of trapezoidal and L-shaped drainage systems in Lusaka. The project aims to improve the city’s drainage infrastructure and mitigate the risks of flooding during the rainy season.

Our team of experienced engineers and construction professionals are utilizing the latest technologies and best practices to ensure the project is completed to the highest standards of quality and safety. We are working closely with local authorities and stakeholders to minimize disruption to the surrounding community and ensure timely project completion.

Upon completion, the new drainage systems will significantly enhance the city’s ability to manage stormwater runoff, reduce erosion and sedimentation, and promote a healthier and safer living environment for residents and businesses alike. We are proud to be part of this vital infrastructure project and remain committed to delivering exceptional service and value to our clients and stakeholders.